The places and spaces in which people live, and the ways in which these are organised, built, and connected, are a central piece in the development of thriving societies. While there are both push and pull factors that play into the reasons why a person lives in a certain place, and the choice of where to live is available at varying degrees for different people. Places, spaces, and territorial development are therefore major determinants for the quality of civic participation, social and economic well-being and the capacity of a territory to harness its innovation potential.
Building inclusive territories taking into consideration megatrends such as climate and demographic changes, digitalisation, urban concentration and urban-rural divide is so complex that it requires new approaches to developing, implementing, improving and revising policies and practices.
Inspired by the concept of placemaking, the work of the ICC Programme on public spaces and governance, the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the place-based approach that underpins EU Cohesion Policy, the Transfer Cluster “Where People live” is an invitation to a dialogue between a variety of sectors that all contribute to the development of territories. The intention is to explore how an intercultural lens offers new perspectives on shared challenges
This Transfer Cluster is a place to:
- gather insights, inputs, tools, ideas on the development of climate resilient, inclusive, innovative, cohesive, thriving places, spaces, territories
- generate multistakeholder conversations around territorial development in the face of societal challenges
- disseminate tools, findings, practices developed in the context of the EU-Belong project, which may be of use to different stakeholders and institutions across wider Europe
- amplify the visibility of relevant resources, practices, tools
- facilitate peer-learning and peer-to-peer assistance